How to Cope Up with Emotional Roller Coaster of Life

Sachin Chaudhari
4 min readMay 13, 2021

“Are you ready for your performance?” My friend asked me a night before my show. Honestly speaking, even I was not sure if I am ready or not. I practiced as much as I could in the last 3 months and still, I was nervous.

There was the Tsunami of different questions and nervousness in my body. Let’s not do the show, I thought but that decision was not in my hand, and tried to control my emotions. Knowing the fact that anything could happen, the next day with all my courage, I walked onto the stage then I took a breath and started playing the piano.

Within a minute I was completely into the show, it was like God has filled me up with a bucket of confidence. At one point I looked at the audience and their eyes gazing at me, for that particular movement I froze but the next second I relaxed, and all with my belief I continued to smile and play my Piano.

As I finished playing my last tune on my keyboard, a huge round of applause was coming from the crowd. As I was stepping down from the stage, I felt as if I was floating and experienced a comforting sense of calmness and peace.

After a couple of days, I started to feel restless. What was next?

That music show was the best part of my life and now it is over I felt miserable. I tried to relax but what am I doing, just wasting my time? I could write another song or create music. I was feeling like that was my only chance, the adrenaline is gone and the uncertainty of not having the next acute goal at hand is unsettling and making me anxious.

There are so many things that we experience in our life where our emotions take a ride on a roller coaster. We seek comfort whenever we feel sad or lonely, when we feel angry or hurt, we try to change our circumstances in order to feel better. This is because we use our emotions throughout the day to determine our well-being.

Sometimes, these emotions tend to resemble a roller coaster with ups and downs that leave us wiped out. This is a stage of emotion that can force us to act impulsively, without stopping to consider the consequences. We get caught up in the situation so much that we regret our actions later.

Do you feel the same?

Floundering around with a little self-pity, irritation, and frustration, I started to think about how I could pull myself out of this slump. We all go through different experiences and have different coping mechanisms, but I have mentioned some that helped me to get through.

1. Be excited about something new:

Be confident about your new idea or anything presented to you. It will be the most exciting, enjoyable, and exhilarating parts of the creative process. Be happy if you are presented with new opportunities, think like “it’s a new task, it will be fun” or “Wow! will learn something new from this”.

This kind of positivity in your life is very important as it will always push you forward to grow in life. Limitless opportunities and possibilities are available out there. Make sure you enjoy it and let your inspiration fuel and guide you and always be prepared for the inevitable fall from grace because it always teaches you a lesson.

2. Don’t make situation control you:

If you are stuck in a project or going through a heartbreak or anything you’ll feel that the radiance starts to slowly fade and the reality of the undertaking gradually seep in.

In this situation, you need to realize that there are plenty of other options and so many more things to think about than you originally anticipated.

Overthinking in this situation can work as poison, you need to wipe that fog and use the creative momentum to steer you away from the quicksand of complexity.

3. Do not lose hope:

There are times when we are so close to our goal and eagerly waiting for the dream project or promotion but it slides out someone else. That is a time when you have to push the path forward and do not lose hope. Think like God has better plans for you. Challenge your own thinking to reach the best result.

4. You can do it!

What is your thinking? Who do you think you are? I don’t think I can do this. I am a failure, I am useless.

If you are thinking all these about yourself, stop there right now.

You have to kill those goblins inside you. You can do it. In fact, you already are doing it! Move on. Keep going. Work on your skills, play with your strengths to push yourself forward. Take help from your mentors, seniors, your friends, or someone with complementary skills to your own.



Sachin Chaudhari

Sachin Chaudhari is a successful technology entrepreneur & investor who guide people in entrepreneurship, health, relationships, and other areas of their lives.